Saturday, August 31, 2019

Reign Over Me Evaluation Essay

Depression affects all people. Reign Over Me is a movie that deals with a character in a grave state of depression. In Charlie Fineman’s (Adam Sandler) case depression hits hard and leads to a major behavioral change. Fineman blocks out major parts of his life including his college roommate, Alan Johnson (Don Cheadle). After running into him on the street, it takes a while for this encounter to jog his memory of his best friend. We learn later that this depression is due the death of his three daughters and wife in a plane crash. The news devastates Fineman. He cannot function in society the same and loses purpose in life, as well as belief in himself. Instead of letting this distress out and working to recuperate, Fineman shuts everybody out and tries to hide from the truth. This can be a serious problem in today’s society. Many people are embarrassed or too hurt to try to move on and they let what happened dictate their individual future. In this film, directed by Mik e Binder and produced by Jack Binder and Michael Rottenberg, the message of depression and its effects is relayed quite clearly. This movie relates to the real world very well; it also helps open up the eyes of many who do not understand what depression can do. Reign Over Me deals with a character who has the biggest part of his life taken from him in an instant. While others cannot tell how much Fineman is suffering by his actions, the loss of his family crushes him. Instead of mourning he falls into a deep state of denial where he almost forgets their existence. An important theme throughout is Fineman trying to fix the wrongs he did to his family, like snapping at his wife about kitchen remodeling or not taking his shoes off. Although they are just little things he makes sure nobody comes in his house with their shoes on and remodels the kitchen several times. These small acts show that he still remembers. There is a scene in the movie where Fineman opens up to Alan, his former roommate. Although he would not open up to the therapist, he tells Alan all about what happened. It was in brief but in this scene you get to see how much recalling his past hurts. Just saying his daughters’ names makes him cry. This scene demonstrates how hard it is for Fineman to talk about his life. Throughout the film, we learn little by little the events  that took place. Outsiders and even his in-laws think that he is disrespecting his deceased loved ones. They do not understand why he does not carry a picture of his family with him or even have one in his house. They take it to the point of wanting to have him committed until he finally talks to them and explains how hard it is to live each day and how hard it is to see them or anybody because he sees his family everywhere. There are many critics and naysayer to this movie as well as supporters. Most of the reviews I read really concentrated on the part played by Adam Sandler. Adam Sandler shoulders a very dramatic character in this movie and this side of him is underappreciated. He is notoriously known for his funny facial expressions and antics. This leads people to believe he can’t play a serious role but in Reign Over Me he hits a home run. The same reviews were not so critical about Don Cheadle. He played a part he is used to playing combing a normal act with the occasional funny quote or joke to keep the viewers on board. The actors play out a very realistic scenario. The ir parts are down to earth and don’t undermine or take away from the message of the movie. From my own personal judgment the movie Reign Over Me takes the viewer into a world many people don’t or won’t ever see. It combines excellent acting with a reasonable story-line that relays a meaningful message. They story is not far-fetched and is very comparable to the realities of many people today. As far as the acting is concerned, both actors play a side the viewer is not accustomed to seeing compared to other movies Adam Sandler and Don Cheadle are known for. Other movies like, Billy Madison (Adam Sandler) or Brooklyn’s Finest (Don Cheadle), these actors have very different parts. This movie shows the talent in each of the individual actors. Both actors play off each other during the movie which takes much skill and created a wholesome and tasteful production. Many scenes are not verbatim and the skill of the actors to improvise makes for an entertaining movie watching experience for the audience. I personally recommend this film to anybody from young adults to the elderly and all of the above. Reign Over Me doesn’t only tell a story but will also tug the heart of the audience in a serious and dramatic rollercoaster ride. The movie may have many critics but I think both actors did a wonderful job throughout the film keeping the audience entertained for the entire two hours and forty minute movie. The debate is on! Go watch the movie today  and take into consideration the many sides and create your own opinion. Works Cited Internet Source – O., Scott. â€Å"Who Else but an Old Buddy Can Tell How Lost You Are?.† New York Times 23 Mar 2007. 1. 2/9/11 . Movie – Reign Over Me. DVD. Sony Pictures UK, 2007.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Why Significant Changes Were Made to the Plot

Why Significant Changes Were Made to the Plot in The Big Sleep Movie After reading the novel â€Å"The Big Sleep† by Raymond Chandler, then watching the 1946 movie version starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, I found myself asking why are there so many changes to the plot in this movie as compared to the novel. Many significant pieces of the plot were drastically different and there were even certain scenes that had been made up for the movie that were never in the book. After doing some research I was able to come up with many reasons for these significant changes.Some of the main reasons for there being significant changes is the Hays Code which was a code of rules that all movies were to follow, as well as the chemistry that Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall had together. Many of the changes in the movie version of â€Å"The Big Sleep† can be credited to the Hays Code. The Hays Code was a set of rules that movies were to follow. Will H. Hays was not the creato r of this code however he was the first person to be in charge of enforcing it therefore his name became attached to it (TV Tropes).Some smaller changes the Hays Code affected are the dealings that go on at Geiger's Book Store as well as Geiger's love interest. In the novel we are told that the book store is actually a front for a pornography store. We are also told in the novel that Arthur Geiger is gay and has a male partner. In the Hays Code it is stated that â€Å"The sanctity of the institution of marriage and the home shall be upheld. Pictures shall not infer that low forms of sex relationship are the accepted or common thing. (Arts Reformation). Given this the writers of the screenplay were forced to leave out the fact that the book store was actually a front for a pornographic store. As for the fact that Arthur Geiger was gay and had a male partner, it is stated in the Hays Code that â€Å"Sex perversion or any inference to it is forbidden. † (Arts Reformation). Alth ough a homosexual couple is more widely accepted nowadays, back in the time of the Hays Code it was considered perverse (TV Tropes) and had to be taken out of the movie.Two more significant changes that were made to the plot were both of the scenes where Carmen Sternwood was found naked. In the novel when Marlowe goes to Geiger's house he finds Carmen naked in a chair and drugged up. In the movie she has only been drugged, her clothes remain on. The other time that Carmen Sternwood was found naked in the novel was when she was waiting for Marlowe to come home and she was naked in his bed. In the film she is simply sitting in his room waiting for him fully clothed.Both of these changes can be attributed to the Hays Code. A rule in the Hays Code states â€Å"Complete nudity is never permitted. This includes nudity in fact or in silhouette, or any lecherous or licentious notice thereof by other characters in the picture. † (Arts Reformation). Since the filmmakers were not allowe d to show nudity they were forced to change the plot which also lead to the photos of Carmen Sternwood that were used to blackmail her not being nude photos of her. A huge change that is made to the plot of the story is how the movie ends.In the book the climactic scene is where Marlowe is being held at gunpoint by Carmen Sternwood. This is also where Marlowe realizes that Carmen was the murderer. A rule about crime in Hays Code states â€Å"Crimes against the law: These shall never be presented in such a way as to throw sympathy with the crime as against law and justice or to inspire others with a desire for imitation. † (Arts Reformation). If Carmen Sternwood had been the murderer then this would have made Marlowe's love interest, Vivian Rutledge, an accessory to murder (Wikipedia).If Vivian were an accessory to murder she would be committing a crime but the audience may feel sympathy for her since she is in love with the main character. Because of this the writers of the s creenplay had to change this. By changing the ending of the movie to having Eddie Mars be killed the writers also solve another conflict with the Hays Code. In the novel Eddie Mars does not actually kill anyone however he was the one who made the murders happen so he was in fact a very bad man who had committed serious crimes.At the end of the novel Eddie Mars does not come to justice for his crimes. Since the Hays Codes doesn't allow crime to be presented in a way that it will inspire others with a desire for imitation (Arts Reformation), Eddie Mars had to be brought to justice. If people had seen the movie and saw that Eddie Mars had been a murderer and gotten away with it, it could inspire them to imitate him. This is why the writers had to change what happens to Eddie Mars.A very significant change made to the plot, which is more of an addition to the plot than anything is the fact that Marlowe and Vivian Rutledge have a love interest. In the film Marlowe lets the reader know ma ny times that he is not fond of women. Because of this love interest many scenes were added to the film in which Marlowe and Vivian have conversations of the sexual nature. Before â€Å"The Big Sleep† movie was made both Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall had starred in a movie called â€Å"To Have and Have Not†.This film had a great success with their scenes together and this made the filmmakers want to add more scenes between the two (William Ahearn). When it comes down to it, making Marlowe and Bacall have a relationship is just adding a Hollywood perspective on a novel. Many changes were made to the plot in â€Å"The Big Sleep† film. But none of them were made without reason. The Hays Code limited filmmakers to what they could put into movies and changes were made so that the film would be more appealing to the general public.Works Cited – Ahearn, William. â€Å"The Big Sleep (1946)† 2008. November 2012. http://www. williamahearn. com/bs1945. ht ml – â€Å"The Motion Picture Production Code of 1930 (Hays Code)†. Arts Reformation. April 2006. November 2012. http://www. artsreformation. com/a001/hays-code. html – â€Å"The Big Sleep (1946 Film)†. Wikipedia. November 15 2012. November 23 2012. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Big_Sleep_(1946_film)#Cast -â€Å"Hays Code†. TV Tropes. November 2012. http://tvtropes. org/pmwiki/pmwiki. php/Main/HaysCode

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Conversation Starter Essay

Keeping pace with the rapidly growing health care industry has been a challenge for human resource (HR) professionals. Increasing health care costs, aging workforce primed for retirement over the next decade, and regulatory complexity will be prevalent challenges for human resources. (Minton-Eversole, 2011). Responding to the effects of health care reform, and counseling organizations on which actions to take are an unrelenting concern for management in human resources (Minton-Eversole, 2011). Health care providers are feeling the pressure as the industry moves to an accountable care model. With reimbursement contingent on patient satisfaction and safety, cost containment is more important than ever (Aberdeen Group, 2012). Providers are leaning on HR management to ensure their workforce is prepared to meet the challenges. Identifying and promoting talent within the organization, formal succession planning, and leadership programs can give organizations the advantage in an ever-changing industry (Aberdeen Group, 2012). Recruitment and retention of competent, skilled candidates that meet mandatory staffing ratios adds to the list of challenges HR professional will face (Aberdeen Group, 2012). Lacking qualified applicants to fill positions within the organization, human resources have turned to training and development to heighten the skills of current qualified workforce, while offering desirable salary and benefits packages to retain young workers (Minton-Eversole, 2011). Anticipated changes in demographics and social conditions will greatly influence the approach taken by HR professionals with the millions of individuals reaching retirement age. (Minton-Eversole, 2011). Many of these individuals in the workforce are not prepared financially for retirement; eliminating the chances for younger recruits to enter the profession (Minton-Eversole, 2011). Forecasted replacement needs will more than double the job openings  created by economic growth between 2008-2018 (Minton-Eversole, 2011). Knowing where the retirements will occur, and if there will be sufficient resources to replace them, will be the imposing challenge (Minton-Eversole, 2011). Human resource departments are engaged actively in employing and development of the strategies that will influence the health care industry. Reducing costs, improving patient care as well as safety, recruitment and retention of qualified applicants will be unfeasible for health care providers without active HR management in the organization. References Aberdeen Group. (2012). Aberdeen Group. Retrieved from http://htpp:// Minton-Eversole, T. (2011). Society For Human Resources Management. Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Plagiarism (research-effects, causes, solutions) Essay

Plagiarism (research-effects, causes, solutions) - Essay Example (Power F C, et al., 2008, p.338.). Obviously all these factors encourage students to commit deliberate cheating in their works. However, there are situations when inadvertent plagiarism occurs. It may happen if the student does not know the proper rules of citation or the general convention of plagiarism. Instructors have the moral responsibility to educate students about the right method of using sources. Although students are always considered as the perpetrators, to a great extent, plagiarism is the failure of schooling system. To illustrate, monotonous lectures, uninteresting assignments, useless or repeated works are some of the causes why students tend to plagiarize in their course. Many schools are not concerned about the quality of the coursework they assign to their students. Teachers often use the same assignment semester after semester which inevitably prompt students to copy from others. If teachers are not innovative in designing course work, they can not insist students to be serious about their work. Hence, plagiarism is unintentionally promoted in many institutions. It happens as we forget the basic objectives of education. The sole objective of education is to create potential and responsible citizens. If the system fails to generate trained professionals, in the long run, it would destruct the overall stability of the nation. In fact, plagiarism is a multifaceted issue that has far reaching effects on the society. Initially, it hampers the creativity of the students who plagiarize. Since the plagiarist does not initiate any effort to the assignment, his/her intellectual abilities will not be enhanced. Secondly, the act would cause relationship breakdown between student and teacher. (Eisner & Vicinus, 2008, p.190). Moreover, students miss the opportunity to acquire further knowledge in their subjects. Although cheating would

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Discusion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Discusion - Essay Example Narrowing of attention is a self defense mechanism because it is inspired by fear. For example, when someone has been involved is a fire outbreak disaster, they live with a notion that fire is likely to happen any time. If they were rescued by jumping through the window, the person may always want to stay near open windows, (Bouyssou & Dubois, 2010). The house may be having fire extinguishers, fire exits and emergency doors. However, the person is likely to ignore all those options and think that the only way to escape a fire is through jumping through a window. A narrow attention is extremely limiting, and it eliminates the ability to think outside the box. The people involved tend to cling to the one method that might have worked for them. This refers to inability to make a quality decision due to availability of too much information. It is also referred to as infobesity. It occurs due to fast accumulation of information and ease of replication and transmission of information, (Bouyssou & Dubois, 2010). According to Bouyssou & Dubois (2010), another principal cause is the presence of large amounts of historical information. This makes hard to pick on the most appropriate decision. In case of a fire outbreak, and an experienced fire fighter is involved. He has more than five options to choose. They know how to use fire extinguishers, how to use the fire exits. As a fire fighter, he is trained to rescue people/novices. When he is caught up in a fire outbreak, all these ideas cross his mind. This slows the making of the final decisions and could affect the swiftness of his final response. Arguably Bouyssou & Dubois (2010), states that the ability to pick on the best option is put to the test. However, that is not enough. It is not enough make smart decisions; good decisions must be made in the right time. This is where information overload becomes detrimental, (Bouyssou & Dubois, 2010). By the time the fire fighter makes the final decision, the fire

Monday, August 26, 2019

To Spy Or Not To Spy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

To Spy Or Not To Spy - Essay Example The CEO advocates for the spyware software because he thinks it will enable the management to monitor all the activities of the employees while at work, and in turn, improve their productivity and efficiency while discharging their duties and responsibilities. However, the other members of the management and board are against this move because it is an outright proof to the employees that the management does not have any trust and confidence in their work. As such, there are fears that this move will reduce the output of employees rather than improving it as even the employees are against the infringement of their privacy through unnecessary spying by the management while at work. They rather advocate for evaluation and appraisal of the output of employees as opposed to their production process as the latter affects their productivity. The management comes to an agreement to reduce the scope of monitoring and spying on employees while at work. This at least brings about some form of understanding between the members of the board of directors and executive management. In addition, this move instills more confidence among the employees who feel that the organization trusts them a little more by not monitoring all the moves and activities that they undertake while at their workplace The reason why the management and the board of directors settled on the second option of reducing the rate of spying the employees was majorly that this agreement would bring about some form of understanding between the top decision makers of the company. If the CEO were to go ahead and implement his proposition against the wills and desires of the other members of the board and management team, he would receive maximum resistance, which in turn would erode the desired effects of the planned move. In addition, this would also create tension within the institution, which is not good for the normal operations of the company to ensure maximum productivity.

Huckleberry Finn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Huckleberry Finn - Essay Example Being the protagonist, he has shown an incredibly unbelievable wit and courage for his age, giving away his treasure to the lawyer only to protect it from his squandering father. He was quite creative to have made up a solution for his problems regarding his father and other problems he faced along the way. His courage would be much admired, braving the difficulties of living on his own and trying to survive a cruel world. As the hero of the story, Huck was not just presented with difficulties he had to overcome by his father or other people around him but by the works of nature as well like death and fear, making him have the feelings of the audience toward him. In addition to this role, Huck is also the focal character who stirs up the curiosity in the reader to the next event of his life, holding their attention to the end of the story. His being the focal character also raises excitement in the audience as well as his emotions but not necessarily to empathize with the character. As the protagonist, the character of Huck was the most essential in the story because the narration is molded around his character and the events in his life.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Apple- Function and Form Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Apple- Function and Form - Essay Example The company has also diversified in its business areas such as development of mobile devices, iPod and iPhones applying the notion of differentiation in its business-level strategies. There are various advantages and disadvantages of differentiation to the company. A productive differentiation strategy is one of the strengths of Apple. The implementation of this strategy has resulted in the expansion of its product line from personal computers to mobile communication devices, software applications and operating systems. Moreover, the differentiation strategy has led to development of premium price for its products. The premium price is the process, which comprises a hike in the price of products so that a positive and healthy perception can be created among the buyers of the company. The company is also renowned for its highly efficient personnel. Apple had also created numerous products with advanced technology so that its customers are satisfied at the full (Bertone, 2009). Apple faces the negative effects of the imitation strategies practiced by its rival companies. This can be curbed through the adoption of focus strategy, which emphasizes a particular market segment, so as to build its customers’ loyalty to a greater extent (Baxter & Wainwright, 2013). In addition, the company has faced strong competition regardless of the adoption of differentiation strategy. Apple has also failed to consider the price conscious buying behaviour of its customers. This has culminated in loss of cost leadership due to enticing of customers through price reduction. Moreover, the differentiation strategy has led to change of customer preferences, which has reduced the demand of some products. Apple should maintain the application of Porter’s Generic strategies framework. In addition, the company should fully adopt the differentiation strategy and emphasize on its innovative strengths

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Teen Pregnancy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Teen Pregnancy - Essay Example Many factors contribute to teenage pregnancy, which include, advance in technology, poverty, drug abuse and among others. Today’s society is not the same as the past society due to advancement in technology. Nonetheless, technology has come with negative effects, especially to teenagers. Moreover, parents do not have control of what piece of information reaches their children. Therefore, this implies teenagers log in to pornographic sites and as a result, they practice what they see. It is important to pass teenage education to every adolescent to avoid irresponsible behavior. Teenage education not only affects teenagers, but also the whole society. Furthermore, teenage mothers are likely to come from poor background. However, this does not mean that poverty leads to teenage pregnancy (Shaw & Lawlor, 2007, p.312). Lack of basic needs may force teenage girls to engage in premarital sex to provide for her family. In addition, families from poor backgrounds may not be able to provide school fees for their teenage girl. That being the case, the teenage girl ends up engaging in impulsive behavior. Pa rents to such girls should establish a good relationship; teach them basic education according to what they have experienced, since this develops her self-esteem. In relevance to Shaw and Lawlor (2007), society and culture influence the rate of recorded pregnancy. Social background greatly affects the behavior of a girl. Therefore, individuals included in the social background of a teenager have a duty to mold a girl’s behavior. Additionally, education is the key concern when it comes to eradicate teenage pregnancy. Education assists teenagers when making decision. However, the school has to decide the right time to teach teenagers about sex

Friday, August 23, 2019

Iconic Architectural Structures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6750 words

Iconic Architectural Structures - Essay Example By understanding the denotation and connotation attached to iconic architecture, the role of the same can be understood. In the particular case of the World Trade Center, it is observed that the meaning or significance of the architecture has been changing over time with the time period almost divided as before and after the September 2001 attacks or more popularly known as 9/11. It is further observed that the new architectures are increasingly instrumental in defining the places which can be attributed more to the increased influence of myths and the political ideologies than the more subtle semiotics and the simpler symbolism. This dissertation work titled 'Will the new iconic architectural structures carry the same intrinsic meaning in defining the cities' is carried out to study and understand the various aspects of building iconic architectures and the different meanings attributed to the visual structures. The various monuments or architectures built in the different time periods have attained an iconic status and always remain to occupy a special place in the history of the place and time. These structures have been conveying a myriad of simple to complex meanings. The theories proposed by various cultural theorists and urbanists like Gaston Bachelard in his 'Poetics of Space' (Ockman, 2001), Roland Barthes's theory of 'language of Signs' (Barthes, n.d.), Pirece's 'Threefold approach in understanding the complete meaning of any iconic architecture' (Chandler, 2005)

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Freud vs. Jung Essay Example for Free

Freud vs. Jung Essay Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung: similarities and differences in dream analysis Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung are two renowned psychoanalysts who contributed great work to the interpretation of dreams. Carl Jung began as a student of Sigmund Freud, but upon their first interactions he had doubts about the basis of Freud’s work stemming from a purely sexual nature and leading to his sexual (McGowan, 1994). Jung was greatly influenced by Freud’s dream work involving the resistance of interpretation of dreams, and used this basis of knowledge to help create his own theory regarding dream interpretation. Freud and Jung’s dream interpretations took different approaches as to the underlying cause of dream or the intended purpose of the dream: finality and the collective unconscious versus causality and they also used any acquired information in the interpretation differently. Freud’s dream analysis and interpretation focused gravely on wish-fulfillment and Jung’s interpretation focused on searching for solutions from within the dream. Although their dream interpretations vary, they did share two major similarities in their work: the value and benefits of dream interpretation in therapy and the importance of the patient-therapist relationship. ?Freud placed sexuality at the core of human beings and made use of the human eros to shape the format of conversation where we would reach out beyond and attempt to change even the most fixed structures of our psyche, because even though we have our own ways of changing in response to certain conversations, we tend to view the world in a relatively constant sense. He called this conversation psychoanalytic (Lear, 2005). Freud believed that dreams point beyond their superficial meaning to reveal sources of desire deep within the dreamer. He attempted to formulate a systematic method of uncovering hidden meanings of dreams which not only enables us to understand them but to do something about them (Lear, 2005). In order to completely understand the meaning of a dream it is essential to understand the manifest and latent content of the dream and how that content is related in regards to the dreamer. The manifest content is what the dreamer remembers upon waking up and is the surface meaning of the dream. Freud also regards the manifest content as an answer on internal stimuli. The latent content of the dream is the hidden meaning of the dream (Lear, 2005). Dream-work is the process by which the dream is put together and if the understanding of a dream is going to potentially be therapeutic then it cannot be just a theoretical understanding of how the dream was constructed. It must be a practical understanding of the dream as it extends itself into the waking life (Lear, 2005). Freud also introduced the concept of dream censorship which refers to a process of disguise and distortion of things within the dream that are viewed as painful or otherwise seen unacceptable to the dreamer. Resistance arises due to the dreamer’s censorship which preserves the deformed dreams even once the dreamer wakes up. Resistance also occurs when a dreamer has parts missing or they cannot or will not remember certain parts of their dream. This resistance is a sign that a conflict is present and wants to be expressed. Freud also believed that dreams are a way to obtain wish fulfillment, usually that of suppressed sexual wishes. These wishes are internal stimuli that become a visual hallucinatory fulfillment within the dream. The dream activity is not just an expression of a wish, but it is also gratification (Lear, 2005). Freud used three principles when interpreting dreams. The first principle states that the dream interpretation must take the context of the dreamer’s life into account which includes consideration of the content of the dream, characteristic and circumstances of the dreamer and how the content fits into the overall life of the dreamer (Lear, 2005). The second principle states that the dream interpretation must be holistic which means that analyses of individual parts of the dream must be interpreted as they relate to the dream as a whole. For example, dreaming of something as specific as falling, going bald, etc. will not always mean the same thing because they are not fixed symbols and individual meaning will greatly depend on the dreamer (Lear, 2005). Finally, the third principle states that the ultimate authority of the meaning of a dream is the dreamer. The meaning of the dream should be given by the dreamer and the process of discovering the meaning should only be facilitated so the dreamer is able to determine the meaning of the dream for their self (Lear, 2005). These three principles display the notion that Freud was not only concerned with the interpretation of dreams, but the self-interpretation by the dreamer. The dreamer must say what their dream meant and do so by explaining how the dream fits into their lives as a whole and why it matters (Lear, 2005). Jung called the relationship between the unconscious and conscious the collective unconscious. He believed that the role of the unconscious is to act compensatorily to the conscious contents of the moment. The conscious acts rationally and it’s compensated by an irrational unconscious, but the rational attitude is not natural for the mind. If the mind is forced for too long to act rationally, it eventually gives way and the unconscious contents are able to get back into the conscious. There are two types of contents in the unconscious: personal unconscious contents which include painful thoughts, unpleasant memories and undesirable personality traits of which a person prefers not to remember. Jung viewed these problems of the personal unconscious as a distraction from the true conflict. The second type of unconscious is the collective unconscious which contains all of the legends and myths of human kind as well as the inherited and ominous. Dreams and fantasies are filled with â€Å"primary propensities of forms of thought and feeling and everything about which men are universally agreed or which is universally understood, said, or done (McGowan, 1994). Dreams present messages of symbols and warnings from the collective unconscious attempting to reach consciousness. Jung believed that dreams reflect the dreamer’s life situation until the dreamer decides to become concerned with it. According to Jung, the initial dream which occurs the night before therapy is thought to have significance because the act of attending therapy can produce a strong impulse for the appearance of the dreamer’s conflict and can even provide solutions for the conflict, possible obstacles, and even a final result. He placed special importance on the repetition of certain dreams, especially those in which the dreamer deals with the same conflict but from different perspectives. The sequence of events in the dream is also important in understanding the meaning of the dream. Jung developed a theory on the structure of dreams and most importantly is the end of the dream because the dreamer is unable to consciously influence the outcome or change the end of the dream and thus reflect real situations. Jung believed in two kinds of dreams which were classified based on the information presented initially by the dreamer: favorable which offered the best solutions to solving conflicts and unfavorable which were viewed as a warning sign (McGowan, 1994). Both Freud and Jung believed that there was value in discussing and determining the role of dreams in therapy. Jung believed that dreams illustrated a specific problem of the dreamer and also solutions to resolve the problem. They both agreed that dreams are a way of expressing a conflict for the dreamer. Freud believed that the manifest content of the dream was a way to answer the desire of the internal stimulus and Jung believed that dreams warn dreamers about internal processes that may be neglected during conscious thought. The analyst’s purpose is to help the dreamer find the internal conflict that led to the manifestation of the dream, as well as to help the dreamer aware of the conflict and recognize any significance to their life. Freud and Jung agreed that there is significance in the patient-therapist relationship and therefore the impact on the interpretation of dreams. They agreed that in order for a dream interpretation to take place the dreamer but provide their full cooperation, actively participate, and hold nothing back (Lear, 2005). Although Jung was a student of Freud, he influenced Freud’s dream analysis based on his associations experiment. Jung proved that a dreamer’s associations which are any ideas that the dreamer thinks of when describing certain parts of the dream are essential to understanding the underlying content of the dream. In order to correctly interpret a dream Jung believed the analyst must know the dreamer’s current situation in life and Freud believed it was necessary to evaluate the dreamer’s psychological background. Although, they may have used different words to describe essentially the same thing, they agreed that once the analyst has determined a potential meaning for the dream they must also determine its relativity and connectedness to the dreamer’s life. Ultimately, Freud and Jung believed that there was significance to the interpretation of dreams in therapy due to the belief that dreams are a representation of conflicts and also the importance of evaluating a dreamer’s associations to determine the underlying meaning of the dream (Lear, 2005). While Freud and Jung had similarities in their dream analysis, they too had many differences. Freud’s interpretation of dreams focused on what the underlying cause of the dream was and that dreams are a representative way of acting on internal stimuli which represented unsatisfied wishes (Lear, 2005). Jung was not concerned with the causality of dreams but the purpose of dreams and their intended effects on the dreamer. He interpreted dreams based on his belief in the second type of unconscious content: the collective unconscious which stated that all dreams essentially have fundamental meanings or certain characteristics for common reactions to situations. For example, someone who lost someone close to them who displays their grief openly has a fundamental meaning that causes others to express pity for them. Jung also believed that dreams presented a parallel to the conscious in that it is nearly impossible to think of anything else when dealing with a conflict and searching for a solution and that dreams allow this process to continue automatically (McGowan, 1994). Another major difference between Freud and Jung was how they used information gathered during the interpretation of dreams. Freud viewed dreams in the sense that they represented a conflict, or suppressed unsatisfied wish that needed to be answered whereas Jung’s focus was on searching for solutions to conflicts that were already expressed within the dream. Despite their differences in theory and interpretation of certain aspects of dreams, both Freud and Jung were able to make great strides in their works with dream analysts and leave behind invaluable information for other psychoanalysts to grow and develop from. Their continual placement of high importance on the patient-therapist relationship and the value of dreams in therapy have continued to be of importance to those who have studied their methods. Their differences in approach to determining the cause and or purpose of the dream and the acquisition of information interpretation layed the foundation for other psychoanalysts to explore, expand, and dispute their theories, thus furthering the APA’s body of knowledge regarding dream analyst. References Lear, J. (2005). Freud. (pp. 18-19, 90-115). New York City, NY: Routledge Publishers. McGowan, D. (1994). What is wrong with Jung. Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

High Self-esteem Essay Example for Free

High Self-esteem Essay Review Questions 1. In what areas do children and adolescents define their self-esteem?: In Self Image, and in the environment they live in. 2. What are the characteristics of a person with high self-esteem?: Ambitious, optimistic about life, good communication skills, and they are very psychologically healthy and emotionally stable. 3. What are the characteristics of a person with low self-esteem?: Fail to achieve goals, poor communication skills, Are prone to anxiety, depression, hostility, loneliness, shame, and guilt, and they form unhealthy, destructive relationships with others. 4. What can a parent do, in the first two years of their child’s life, to help the child develop good self-esteem?: The first is a sense of themselves as individuals. The child learns that he exists as an individual in the world, and that his actions have observable consequences in the surrounding environment. The child learns that he has the power to manipulate the world around him—to make things happen. The second important concept a child develops during this time is a sense of trust and love that is built upon a solid bond between the child and his caregivers. 5. What are some things that have a negative effect on a child’s self-esteem?: Their self-image, fitting in, and their parents fighting at home. Critical Thinking Questions 1. Why is it difficult to define self-esteem?: It’s difficult because people don’t always know what the exact definition for the word is. 2. Is success in life a cause of high self-esteem, an effect of high self-esteem, or neither?: In my opinion, I say an effect. I say this because if you have high self-esteem, you will accomplish a lot more. Success takes a lot of work, it’s not easy to be successful now a days. 3. What are some ways that parents can help their children develop good social self-esteem?: They could teach them appropriate vocabulary. They can also start getting their kids into speaking to people in public, if they need it. They could get them to start speaking up for themselves. 4. What are some ways that parents can help their children develop good academic self-esteem?: To help them with their school work. They could also get their child a tutor, or maybe they can let them stay after school and get tutored. They could also have standards, not too high and not too low. It depends on the child’s ability on how well they can do. 5. Children will start to exhibit gender-specific behaviors in early childhood. Boys will tend to be more active and aggressive. Girls, on average, are calmer and more agreeable. Children also start to show a preference for toys and clothing that are traditional for their gender. Why do you this is?: They are starting to get to that point where they are changing. Different feelings and hormones. Maybe something is going on in their environment that they live in. Maybe they’re just starting to grow up.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Commentary Text On A Robbery Report English Language Essay

Commentary Text On A Robbery Report English Language Essay From what have been analysed above it can be seen that the text covers in detailed information a dramatic story of a teenager boy who was robbed of  £250 by two impersonal men. It can be seen that the mode of the text is (written text), tenor are (news paper- reader),the field is (news reporting) and the genre of the text is the popular written genre (Eggins, 1994:26).Furthermore, the language used in the text is simple and often used to describe two sides in the event, the teenager boy and the two men. Thus, create the image of good and evil in which it could be easier for the reader to go with the good side. Furthermore, the writer seems to be sympathy with the boy, because he is made to occur as a goal for the two men throughout the text. SPOCA analysis: It reveals that the text has a significant degree of pre-modification of head words, post-modification at (qualifier ) and rank shift (R/S) the reason for this, is to provide detailed information and give the opportunity to the reader to think in the event deeply. For instance, Pre-modification such as, (He had a pale complexion) here the pre-modification is the modifier (a pale) of the head noun (complexion) which consists of [determiner (a) + epithet (pale) ], Post-modification such as, the qualifier (of his neck) in the sentence (the right side of his neck), [the right ( modifier) side ( head noun) of his neck ( qualifier)] and the rank shift is found for example, in the sentence [He was wearing dark coloured jeans, on his left hand].( on his left hand) is the rank shift (R/S). Furthermore, it seems clear that the text does not have any nominalisation (grammatical metaphor) except in the sentence (following the robbery), because there is no tendency to hide the information or compress it. In other words, the writer tends to express what happened to the teenager boy in details. The tense of the text: It is noted that the text used the past simple and continuous in order to describe what happened and shift to the present simple and continuous when talking of the implications of the incident. A good example for this includes the following: The 16 years old was travelling from Shirley to kings Norton. Detective sergeant Neil Wood said. The other suspect is Asian. Police are appealing for help. On the other hand, there is much use of passivisation. It is worthy noted that the writer began the first sentence in the text with the passive voice so as to make the reader eager to discover the actor (criminal) and complete reading the story. Such as, (A teenager was robbed of  £250). Moreover, there is another reason for using the passive, in that the writer maybe needs to avoid the repetition of mention the actor in the sentences. Fore instance, in the sentence (He was made to withdraw the cash at LIoyds TSB in Pershore Road.) here the actor is hidden by the passive, because it is mentioned in the previous sentence (when the men threatened him) through the active at the same time the reason for avoid the repetition in the sentences is employed by the use of ellipsis. As Thompson (1996) indicates Ellipsis functions to avoid the full repetition of a clause or its elements. This is found in the text, for example, in the sentence (He was also wearing red Nike tracksuit bottoms, a black hooded jacket, black trainers, black base ball cap, and was carrying a black satchel bag). The clauses in the text: Clauses are varied in the text between the free clause and bound clause. Typically, the free clause is found per paragraph and in most sentences to provide a simple logical meaning. It could be clear in the following: Bus robbers target teen. A teenager was robbed of  £250. He was made to withdraw the cash. On the other hand, bound clause is appeared to have three types. Firstly, bound adding clause which is called elaborated clause such as, in this sentence [A teenager was robbed of  £250 after the two men forced him off a bus] here it is ( after the two men forced him off a bus ) and its role to give more information about the free clause which is (A teenager was robbed of  £250). Secondly, bound contingent clause which provides reasons for the free clause. For example, in the sentence (Police are appealing for help to trace the two men pictured above). Here the bound contingent clause gives the reason why the police are appealing for help. Thirdly, bound reporting clause which is called projected clause. Such as, in the sentence (Detective sergeant Neil wood, said This was a traumatic ordeal for the teenager boy.) Therefore, it should be noted that the technique used by the variety in free and bound clauses in the text is to introduce the event through free clause and then provid e more details about it by bound clause and the writer in the text applied it well. For example, the sentence [The first man was white, aged 17 to 20 years old]. The free clause is (the first man was white) and the bound clause is (aged 17 to 20 years old) here the first robber is identified by the free clause and his detailed information is given through the bound clause. Experiential aspects: Language in systemic represents external reality by happenings and states, entities and circumstances in which they appear White (2000).These can be seen in three types as processes, participants and circumstances. 5.1. Participants: At the beginning, it seems that the text has three main participants in the robbery incident which are (the bus robbers, the teenager boy and the cash), but the writer has inserted another participant in the story given him an important position in the text through the description (Detective sergeant) to (Neil Wood), the reason for this to give the reader some sort of suspense and maybe because of his significant position as a police authority in social context. On the other hand, it is noted that the participant appeared in different kinds based on the kind of process used. It occurs as senser in mental process (Bus robbers target teen), actor in material process (The 16 years old was travelling), sayer in verbal process (Detective sergeant Neil Wood said), behaver in behaviour process ( before being forced to buy the men cigarettes), possessor in relational process (He had a pale complexion) and carrier and identifier also in relational process [ He was wearing red Nike tracksuit Bottoms (here is carrier) ],[The other suspect is Asian (here is identifier)].Furthermore, it could be noted that some participants appeared in the elaborated clause due to the use of passivisation. For instance, [A teenager was robbed of  £250 after two men forced him off a bus] (two men) is the actor inside the elaborated clause. 5.2. Processes: The text varies in its processes in order to express the robbery incident. There is a significant degree of material processes about eight in the text. This is come as a result to provide a description to what happened to the teenager boy, as Thompson(1996:79) points out material process is one of the most salient types of processes are those involving physical actions. So because the event had many of physical actions, the use of material process was required. Also, using the material processes expressed through the passive is to present the boy as a goal and then giving the reader inspiration about the boy as a victim. Such as, a teenager was robbed after two men forced him. Goal Actor Goal On the other hand, there is a number of relational and verbal processes. Having the relational process in the text to identify the robbers and the verbal process, because of the subject matter of the text is a robbery so there is a need to provided information from the police authority. For example, (Detective sergeant Neil Wood, said) and (DS.Wood added). Also, it is noted that there is a small number of mental and behavioural processes about one for mental and two for behavioural this is due to the nature of incident deals with the material world by verbs of doing and happening rather than with the internal world of the human mind through verbs of feeling and sensing (White 2000). 5.3. Circumstances: According to Butt et al (2003) the role of circumstances is to illuminate the process. It may found in the text as a prepositional phrase, adverbial group or even a nominal group (ibid). This is occurring in this text as many of circumstantial clauses are found to clarify the processes used. It is noted that there is a variety in the circumstances used. For example, circumstance of location such as, (they got out at Bordesley Green Road), circumstance of location in time such as, (on Thursday October 7 between 7:40 pm and 8:10 pm), circumstance of manner such as, (with a Birmingham accent) and circumstance of accompaniment such as (with the offenders).The reason for use a significant degree of circumstances in the text to help participants and processes to interact and then provide more details about the event.

September 11: War Against Terrorism is Necessary Essay -- September 11

September 11: War Against Terrorism is Necessary      Ã‚   On the fateful morning of September 11, 2001, few of us knew that the history of America, let alone our individual lives, was dramatically and permanently changing. As the day progressed, Americans, one by one, were dumbfounded at the events that had occurred.   This is by no means the first terrorist attack in the history of the world.   Nor will it be the last.   Many cultures over time have been greatly wounded and even overcome by these fiendish terrorist attacks.   Thankfully, the United States' history has not been heavily tarnished by these assaults - until now.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Since the days of the attack, many national and world leaders have come together to declare war on terrorism.   A valiant effort has been made in order to defeat these evils.   An immediate counter-response has been called for, and necessarily so.   On September 20, 2001, in a joint session of Congress, President George W. Bush spoke of a new war when he said, "Our war on terror begins with al-Qaida [the terrorist group founded in Afghanistan by Usama Bin Ladin in the late 1980s], but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated" (Bush Announces Start of a "War on Terror").   He expounded further, explaining that "...the only way to defeat terrorism as a threat to our way of life is to stop it, eliminate it, and destroy it where it grows" (Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People).   Our way of life would most assuredly be preserved, were it only possible to realize these noble ideals of eliminating terrorism.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the war against terrorism, it is, unfortunately, nearly impossible to beco... ...oes the occurrence of retaliatory behaviors.   The war against terrorism is a needed effort, however it is a war whose end is not yet in sight. Works Cited: Address to a Joint Session of Congress and the American People. September 20, 2001. White House: President George W. Bush. 25 September 2001 <> Bush Announces Start of a "War on Terror". 20 September 2001. U.S. Department of State's Office of International Information Programs. 24 September 2001 <> Punishment and aggression. Selva, Michel. 27 February 1998. NESBAT. 02 October 2001   <> Sidman, Murray. "Coercion and Its Fallout." Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies. 24 September 2001.>.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Animal Farm: Character Analysis Of Napoleon :: Animal Farm Essays

Animal Farm: Character Analysis of Napoleon by George Orwell "Napoleon was a large rather fierce looking Berkshire boar," that was spoiled and always got his way. He was the only pig of the kind on the farm. Napoleon was a great rival to Snowball. Snowball was very outspoken while Napoleon was very secretive and did not talk much. Napoleon and Snowball prepare for the Rebellion in a very similar manner, and have many goals alike. Old Major's vision was important to both Napoleon and Snowball and develop his ideas into a plan. The society was to be set-up after the Rebellion. Napoleon's plan benefits himself while Snowball's are benefiting to all the animals. After the Rebellion Napoleon takes charge of the milk and the apples, at this time the plan that benefits him is put into action. Napoleon does not take part in the activities for the animals. As part of Napoleon's plan he disagrees with Snowball on most of the issues. Napoleon is a secretive plotter that works behind the scenes and someday plans to eliminate Snowball as a rival. For example he secretly trained the guard dogs in secret, keeping them completely hidden from view. Napoleon was also very good at developing support for his ideas, after meetings he would talk to the other animals one on one and "psychologically brainwash" them. He is very kiniving in his ways to get more power and is always trying to discredit and undermine the other animals. One time he urinated on Snowball's plans for the windmill. Napoleon's sense of timing is keen and this is very useful is his quest for more power. At just the right time he implies that Snowball's teachings are not beneficial to the other animals. Then the time comes when Napoleon has to carry out the rest of his plan, getting rid of Snowball. But by the time the animals realize what is going on Napoleon has taken control and is ready for any objections. Napoleon eventually gains total power and symbolizes a despotic ruler. In this book Napoleon represents "Stalin and his counterpart in the Russian Revolution. Napoleon always has to have the best produce, best quarters, whiskey, and clothing. He distracts the other animals from the fact that he is modifying the original Animal Farm visions. He ruthlessly kills anyone who protests his

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Bad Day Dawning :: essays research papers

That we can learn a lot about a man from the books and films he chooses is borne out by Timothy McVeigh. One of his favorite films: the 1984 Patrick Swayze epic Red Dawn. It follows a group of small town teens' conversion to guerilla fighters when a foreign army invades America. Like McVeigh, the teens stock up on survival gear - mainly guns and ammo - in order to defend their country from annihilation. And one of McVeigh's favorite books: The Turner Diaries written by former American Nazi Party honcho William L. Pierce, under the pen name Andrew Macdonald. Its hero - Earl Turner - responds to gun control by making a truck bomb and blowing up the Washington FBI Building. Two scenarios - all too familiar. It was April 19, 1995 - a perfect, sun-drenched Oklahoma morning in springtime. Against a perfect blue-sky background, a yellow Ryder Rental truck carefully made its way through the streets of downtown Oklahoma City. Just after 9 am, the vehicle pulled into a parking area outside the Alfred P. Murrah Building and the driver stepped down from the truck's cab and casually walked away. A few minutes later, at 9:02, all hell broke loose as the truck's deadly 4000-pound cargo blasted the government building with enough force to shatter one third of the seven-story structure to bits. Glass, concrete, and steel rained down. Indiscriminately mixed in the smoldering rubble were adults and children alive and dead. The perpetrator, twenty-seven-year-old Timothy James McVeigh, by now safely away from the devastation was convinced he acted to defend the Constitution, for he saw himself as crusader, warrior avenger and hero. But in reality, he was little more than a misguided coward. He never even heard clearly the sound of the initial sirens of emergency vehicles rushing to the scene. Because, blocks away, he was wearing earplugs to protect himself from the roar of a blast so powerful it lifted pedestrians off the ground. One Japanese tourist no stranger to powerful earthquakes called the blast "worse than the worst quake. Because there was no initial warning, no noise to say 'something terrible is going to happen'; it just hit." When it did, a massive ball of fire momentarily outshone the sun and the north side of the building disintegrated. Traffic signs and parking meters were ripped from the pavement. Glass shattered and flew like bullets, targeting and maiming pedestrians blocks away. Inside the broken building, survival depended on location at zero hour.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Christian individuals who act as models

The world is a dangerous place, and yet by example, perhaps Christians can create a place of â€Å"safe pasture† in areas that are less than likely to be peaceful.When reading Numbers 35:33, Psalm 37 and Exodus 23, we learn that if we do not engage in the sinful acts of our enemies, but instead try to do right by them we may make our own places of peace. Partially by God’s hand who will punish sinners when the time has arrived, and partially because we model good behavior, this concept seems a plausible reality. Understandably, humans learn ineffective behaviors such as greed and maliciousness from others around them – sometimes they are brought up in homes where these sinful behaviors are not only acceptable but fostered and encouraged.While God may punish the wicked in their own time, he may also be eliminating them in a more gentle manner, by offering them healthy Christian individuals who act as models to teach them proper behavior.   By ignoring sinful dee ds and instead teaching peace and generosity Christians can help others understand that this world does not need to be such a harsh and cruel place to exist.When faced with people who tenderly move through their lives, not harming them and not filling their days with toxic thoughts and ideas, Christians can act as the hand of God and help sinners to transform themselves and be redeemed.The Bible tells us not to worry about sinners or help them by reinforcing their twisted beliefs (through seeking revenge or participating in their lives) because those who cannot learn during this life may have to account for their deficits in the next. Christians must do their best to be at peace with their enemies, and model God’s love, instead of furthering the injustice and violence of poor human behavior. Through these means, we may slowly and steadily create a place of safe pasture with work and commitment to God’s greater plan.Works CitedThe New American Bible For Catholics. (1986 ). South Bend: Greenlawn Press.   

Friday, August 16, 2019

Growth Rates Essay

What factors might contribute to a low or high growth rates in a country? There are three categories of factors that contribute to a low or high growth rates. These categories are the demand factor, the efficiency factor, and supply factors. Government spending or exports can lead to a higher to aggregate demand and higher economic growth. â€Å"Economic growth requires increases in total spending to realize the output gain made available by increased production capacity† (McConnell, 2012, p. 513). One way to accomplish this is by lowering interest rates. Lower interest rates make borrowing cheaper. This encourages consumers to spend more money. Efficiency is attained when resources are used â€Å"†¦in the least costly way to produce the specific mix of goods and services that maximizes people’s well-being† (McConnell, 2012, p. 513). For example, when human resources are not being used to their full potential unemployment will increase. As unemployment increases, total spending will decrease. This will lower growth rates. Supply factors such as increases in natural resources, increases in human resources, increases in the supply of capital goods, and improvements in technology create a higher economic growth rate (McConnell, 2012, p. 512). Why do some poor countries experience higher growth rates than others when all face the same challenges? Some poor countries experience higher growth rates than others because of its population, its infrastructure, its natural resources, or a combination of these. One example of government infrastructure are the policies related to patents and copyrights. Additionally, poorer countries tend to adopt more advanced technology from richer countries. Leader countries are constrained by technological process. Why resources are no longer the most important indicators of economic growth disparity among countries? Which other economic and non-economic factors do you think explain the reasons behind growth disparities among countries? As technology improves, resources are no longer the most important indicators of economic growth disparity among countries. Other economic and non-economic factors that help explain growth disparities are greater education and training, improved resource allocation, increases in the quantity of capital, and economies of scale. This means that firms can  produce each output with fewer resources. How can sustainable long-run economic growth be realized? What are the roles of the government in achieving sustainable long-run economic growth? Sustainable long-run economic growth can be realized through institutional structures such as strong property rights, patents and copyrights, efficient financial institutions, literacy and widespread education, free trade, and a competitive market system (McConnell, 2012, pp. 511-512). Government can help achieve long-run economics growth by reinforcing these institutional structures. The government may need to invest in their infrastructure or create policies that help promote growth. China is a great example of long-term economic growth. China’s real output has grown over the past 25 years at a rate of nearly 9 percent per year, quadrupling real output over that period (McConnell, 2012, p. 522). Rising income has led to more saving, greater capital investment, and more direct foreign investment, which has helped fuel growth. Per capita income has increased at an annual rate of 8 percent since 1980, despite China’s population expanding by 14 million people per year (McConnell, 2012, p. 522). Increased use of capital, better technology, labor reallocation from agriculture, and increased privatization has all contributed to greater productivity. China’s growth has been supported by a dramatic increase in exports ($5 billion in 1978 to $1.2 trillion in 2007) (McConnell, 2012, p. 522). McConnell, C. Brue, S. & Flynn, S. (2012). Economics:Principles, Problems, and Policies (19 ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. What are the limitations of the GDP in measuring total output and national welfare? What products (services) are excluded from the GDP computation? Gross domestic product(GDP) is defined as â€Å"the total market value of all final goods and services produced annually within the boundaries of the United States, whether by U.S. or foreign-supplied resources† (McConnell, 2012, p. G11). GDP has limitations when measuring total output and national welfare because it is a monetary value. GDP only counts final goods and ignores intermediate goods. If intermediate goods were allowed, multiple counting would occur. GDP is not necessarily a good measure of social  welfare because it doesn’t adjust production for negative externalities. The reason that GDP is an imperfect measure of social welfare is that it does not measure many goods and services that have real economic value. The most obvious case is leisure. Leisure is a normal good. GDP excludes non production transactions â€Å"because they have nothing to do with the generation of final goods† (McConnell, 2012, p. 487).There are two types financial transactions and secondhand sales. Financial transactions include public transfer payments, private transfer payments, and stock market transactions (McConnell, 2012, pp. 487-488). Also illegal goods and resource depletion are excluded. GDP is not reduced by pollution that is produced in processes. Is the GDP measure underestimating or overestimating national production and total income in the economy? Why? GDP is in fact underestimating national production and total national income because there are exclusions. For example, if someone gets paid â€Å"under the table†, this illegal act is not included in the calculation. The same can be said regarding secondhand sales. These sales are happening even though they do not contribute to current production (McConnell, 2012, p. 488). Also, GDP does not take into account inflation. This reduces the actual increase in income. What are the impacts of the shortcomings of the GDP as a measure of the national product and national welfare? As stated earlier, GDP has limitations. It is because of these limitations that a true economic picture cannot be seen. Nonmarket activities are the transactions outside the market, and hence there is no reliable price information about them. Unpaid work or â€Å"under the table† is not included. Leisure is ignored understating well-being. Improved product quality due to technological advances tends to improve welfare because they lower prices. This element is usually excluded from GDP. Finally, the underground economy understates GDP because this income is not included. If included, these activities would show a more accurate picture. Currently, the exclusion of the activities gives consumers as well as other countries a false sense of economic stability. GDP is portrayed to be higher than what it actually is. Reference McConnell, C. B. (2012). Economics:Principles, Problems, and Policies (19 ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Graham vs Connor

Graham vs. Connor On February 21st, 1989 Dethorn Graham, a diabetic was having an insulin type reaction. He called his friend Berry and asked if he could pick him up and take him to buy juice from the local convenience store to stop the reaction. When he arrived at the store Graham noticed the long line at the cash register and decided the wait was too long. He ran out of the store and got back into Berry’s car and asked if he could take him to a friend’s house around the corner.A city police officer, Connor, was on patrol when he noticed Graham enter the store and leave quickly, and became suspicious. The officer followed Berry’s car and performed an investigative stop. Connor had both men sit and wait while the officer made sure nothing had gone on inside of the store. Responding back up police arrived on scene and did not listen to Graham’s explanation of his condition. The handcuffed him and ruffed him up a little in the process, Graham received multip le injuries.Officer Connor let Graham go after discovering that he had done nothing wrong. Graham sustained multiple injuries. Graham filed a law suit in the District Court under against all respondents, stating that Connor and the other officers had used excessive force in making the stop, in violation of Graham’s 14th amendment. In this case there are many things that Graham and Connor could do differently. Being a diabetic I believe that Graham should have been provided an insulin shot and he should have it on him at all times.Also when entering the store I believe that Graham should have alerted a worked or the people in line that he was having a reaction and to allow him to move to the front of the line. I believe that Graham could have been nicer to the officer, when he was in the car Graham stated, â€Å"If he thinks I'm going to sit here in the car while I'm dying to wait for him to find out something when there really is nothing. (1)† If he would have explaine d to the officer that he was having a sugar type reaction the officer may have been more helpful.There were a few things that the officer did that he could have done differently to stop any problems. First Connor did a good job in making an investigation stop, due to the suspiciousness Graham displayed. When Connor pulled over Berry and noticed something wrong with Graham that should have become the main focus of the officer. After Berry told the office that his friend was having an insulin type reaction, Connor should have immediately called an ambulance. This way there is no problem and that Graham would not be in harm.The officers should not have been as tough as they were with Graham, unless he was fighting, then the appropriate force should have been used. If not then the force was unnecessary. I believe that the officers were not right in what they did. I believe that Graham had a serious medical condition and was not being treated for it. I believe the force used against Grah am was used not to protect but to just cause harm. There was no proven evidence that graham did anything wrong.The officer was going all off what he believed may have been a crime, and in the long run could have caused a more serious injury to Graham. I do not believe that a person should just be able to complain that they were being mistreated without and evidence, because that would happen too often by people who want easy money. Work Cited (1) â€Å"Graham v. Connor, Trial Record. † Graham v. Connor, Trial Record. N. p. , n. d. Web. 08 Apr. 2013. (2) â€Å"Graham v. Connor – 490 U. S. 386 (1989). † Justia US Supreme Court Center. N. p. , n. d. Web. 8 Apr. 2013.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Facebook: Social Networking Site

Against – Individuals connect through faceable to their co-workers or colleagues which helps them to remain up to date. – Faceable is used to advertise products which are relatively new in the market and can be easily purchased through faceable. – It is good way to update people about the recent events taking place nearby or in the world. – Faceable being a quick and effective way of communicating (people separated by time zones) can not be termed as a time pass activity. – Faceable teaches a lot of new aspects about different websites. Faceable is Just a fad that will pass Yes because†¦ No because†¦The Web Is something rich and strange and Faceable Is not Back in 1988 before the Web arrived we used to play a lot of image based games around the internet, passing encoded images back and forth and basically working hard to make some sense of this dark network where no-one could see anyone else. From that point on for me the internet and the web have been a rich and strange something unknowable to the sum total of where we worked and played. Faceable doesn't really do any of that. It's a nice tidy ‘bur where everyone has more or less the same house, same garden, same car, same attitude.Sure, we can all add friends and Join networks and add applications, but it's always clear that there is no curtain behind which strange things might lurk. Faceable is the Auber controlled environment – useful and wanted by many, but not pregnant with potentials. Faceable is more about the known than the unknown – and that's a good thing. Who but the most insecure of us cares about having 429 ‘friends', most of whom we wouldn't talk to twice if we met them in real life. Faceable provides a way of connecting to the people you already know – but for one reason or another don't stay in regular contact with.As we get older, settle down, have kids and spend more time at work, those little catch up chats or time s hanging out with friends dwindle to almost nothing. That's not to say you don't like the people you don't see as much, Just that they're not in your immediate circle and the genuine desire to ‘meet up soon' Just never gets realized. Faceable allows us to keep in contact with them through their status updates, when they add pictures, when someone they know tags them in a picture, when they add an app and ask a question – or in a hundred other ways.This is a way of connecting to them and of ensuring we know what they're up to. It is therefore easier to send a quick note about their daughter or wish them a happy birthday. These small things break down the distance between us, they make the barrier of getting in touch smaller to cross – and they make the real world meetings more easy to make happen. Furthermore, faceable lacks clarity in who you are actually becoming friends with Faceable is Just a fad that will pass There are only so many new people Faceable is ex periencing a huge wave of migration.This is held up as proof of the genius of Seersucker, and indeed in many ways they have played a blinder. From a closed College based network, they have taken a gamble to open up to anyone and everyone and seen it pay off begrime. The viral nature of Faceable is supreme, with member get member raised to a new artwork. Eve read dozens of articles about how all of someone's friends have arrived in Faceable in the very recent past, usually it looks safe in here and there are lush pastures for the cattle. Then everyone else takes up residence, and as they overlap with other social groups, the process repeats itself.There is something engaging and exciting about arriving in n easy to understand social network, with tools to explore and people to Poke (ooh, the underlying sexual thrill of it all, it reminds me of my first disco, I didn't know what that was all about either, but by God it turned me on). Face it, when someone invites you to Join Faceable and be their friend, its a cheap thrill to sign up and be that friend. If people want a social networking site there are millions, faceplate, hi, bebop, namespace etc†¦ Casebook IS a fad that will pass, as some person eventually will outdo it, one of these pages will take all it's features and make something better, as yuccas has done with bebop, as bebop has done with faceplate, etc.. Anyone could log onto namespace, and minus a few ‘pokes', they can pretty much do the same, look at their friend's status updates, chat to their friends etc. Why should faceable be THE social networking site? And also, namespace is the site that seems to get all the hype for getting musicians noticed. So what's the fad for bands? Namespace!Faceable is Just a fad that will pass There Just are no sophisticated tools in Faceable I'm used to some level of sophistication in my tools. I don't mind using your online lolls, after all, it's your community. But ifs, all I can do in my Groups is write on the wall? And then you can write on the same wall back to me. I can upload photos? Every time someone does something, I get sent an email without the content. There Just are no sophisticated tools in Faceable – everything is like a shallow version of what we're used to on the outside.For sure, the APS have started to put some depth back into the system, but it's hard to imagine that we'll en masses abandon our email and our IM and our other contact and memory tools and use the stubs that Faceable offers. Not for a while anyway, we'll get disillusioned and wonder off as our attention drifts. Getting an email without the content was annoying, though this has now changed, and there are bound to be other parts of the site which don't work as well as tools which are specifically designed for the Job.But if there is a demand for features not currently provided someone out there will provide them. And some of the features Faceable does provide, such as tagging photos, inviting o thers to events, and garnering support for a great cause, are great It's also worth considering the value of Faceable as a social aggregation tool for non- chess. Sure you're used to some sophisticated tools, but the majority of internet users aren't. They're people with non-technical Jobs who Just want things to work. Faceable works without anyone leaving the comfort of a great LU and the safety blanket known as a privacy controls.There are other colors I know this will sound very shallow and pathetic, but I really can't imagine living with #baobab only for the rest of my life. As someone who was working with the web when there was not even any right align, let alone fancy layouts or the CSS wonders we see today, it pains me to have to use such a limited interface. With respect, it is the sort of interface that the East German government would have commissioned for their citizen network if they had lived to see in the true glory of the web.Where I come from we call this color Navy Blue and with good reason, children grow up to hate it. Allied to the fixed layout, baobab is the antithesis of everything that design stands for and everything that the web has taught us – that we are individuals and that we make and remake our environment to work with our needs and desires. Even Google, that great interface reducer, has relented and offered multiple funky interfaces to heir start pages. So what's with the fascist control freakier? Don't you trust me to change things the way I like ‘me?Think I might, like, go mad with funky colors? So what, that's my freedom. Hammy, Faceable or Namespace which is the easiest to use? Given most people's inability to create a readable web page I'm happy that Faceable restricts the look of its pages to one recognizable format. Give people free reign over the look of their page and they'll go the flashy, blinks, confused way of Namespace. And there are friends I'd rather keep than lose for the knowledge of what they think looks cool. Call that a network? I live in Brighton & Hove, East Sussex, UK. So for some reason that's my network.It has 54,384 members who, I guess, live in Brighton and Hove. The total population of Brighton is 247,820, which means my network contains approximately one sixth of the entire population of this town. There are only 117032 15 to 44 year olds, which means that almost 50% of them are members of my local network. Huh? I mean, this is some kind of groovy town, but I find that rather unlikely. Every single sentient being between the ages of fifteen and forty-five in my town? I see I can go to a costume making event at pm or GUILFORD MONDAY UNITE at pm that's Guilford, not Brighton, but hey).Popular in Brighton and Hove includes the faceable wide food fight and Britton's Largest Water Fight. The Discussion Board has 164 discussion topics, starting with ‘How Many Wap To Say I Love You? , but frankly life's too short. And then there's The Wall. 754 posts starting with a bit of spam from Ben Williams. To say the will to live deserted me at this point would be an exaggeration, but to say the will to live in Brighton and Hove fled my feeble frame Just about sums it up. Why am I in this network? I am a sophisticated online denizen, I partake of and participate n hundreds of online societies and for a of all kinds.Some are good, some are bad, some are essential to life. But none are as depressingly pointless as this all consuming Brighton and Hove Network. And yes, I know I can change my regional network, but what exactly would be the point of that? I quite like seeing my local friends' faces peering out at me from the sidebar – but that's not quite enough to make it worthwhile. I guess this approach worked quite well when it was a college based network, but imagine what it is like to be a London or Shanghai network member – they've elevated inanity to a whole new level.Faceable offers a unique perspective to social networking in that you can friend people you know and the people they know to an extent. I find Faceable most useful for college because it helps the organizations I'm a part of invite people to our events. I can also find out about other group's events on campus and even Join a greater cause to support Darker, let's say. I've been able to keep in touch with people I went to kindergarten with! Granted most of them went to school with me since eighth grade, but it's interesting to see where hey are based on how they were way when (the ass for us young folks).It's cool to see how they've changed and how they've stayed the same. I've also been able to keep in touch with high school friends who I get to visit a few times a year back in California while I go to school in Philly. No matter what my URL is I'm still unique. Having a long URL with a combination of random numbers and letters doesn't decrease individuality at all. Sure I have a lot of friends I don't really talk to and some I have never met, but at least it opens the door to a conversation: â€Å"Hey we're Faceable friends, right?In fact I was walking down the street yesterday, no Joke, and I saw two of my friends with one of their friends. We'd never met, but we were Faceable friends through each other. It was great to meet the guy and get to know him in person as much as it is to get to Basically the regional network lets you see people in the same one as you and helps people know where you're from. I keep my network as Los Angles even though I go to school in Philly. It lets my friends know where I'm from. High school and college networks help you know who that person is trying to friend you and if you actually now them from somewhere.For now Faceable rocks. Let's hope it doesn't turn into another Namespace. Gaining Revenue for Networking Sites is Extremely Difficult Faceable, like Namespace, has not been able to successfully fund itself via advertisements. Click through rates are low, and Namespace has tried desperately t o salvage funds from these ads. Menace's home page is filled with ads that most users don't click on. Case in point: http://www. Businesslike. Com/technology/ content/ Feb../tc2008024 252834. HTML? Chant=search Unless Faceable can gain revenue from ads it will suffer and possibly go bankrupt.Faceable knows how old I am, what interests and hobbies I have, where I live, what my social network looks like and even what my educational and work history is. Are you telling me that's not a potential goldmine for advertising? Sure at the moment you get the generic breast enhancement and zany college t-shirt ads (or perhaps they're not generic and faceable has decided that's what I most want in life), which are going to generate as much response as any other banner and popup ads. But if Faceable can utilities it's main resource, information, it will make Microsoft's revenues look tiny.Faceable has been slow at incorporating music It can be argued by some that Faceable has taken over from Name space in terms of which is the better social networking site. Although this may be valid, there is one area in which Faceable is clearly lacking – and that is music. One of the main building blocks of Namespace is the close links with music – bands can have pages on which they are able to upload their music and reach out to a new crowd, members may add a song to their profile which gives other users more of an idea what the person likes and there is even the Namespace record label, getting physical copied of USIA out.Although Faceable are now beginning to add pages for artists, these are not as built on the foundation of music so it will be more difficult now to lure over music lovers from similar social networking sites (such as Namespace, Purposeful and Buzzed) that cater more to their tastes. Admittedly it would seem that, thanks to it's emphasis on music, Namespace is more popular amongst wannabe rock stars than Faceable.On the other hand almost every university st udent in the I-J (and I'm assuming the US, Australia etc) has a faceable account, in 10 to 15 years time that will mean that he majority of the best paid 50% of society in the English speaking world have faceable accounts. Let's see which contributes better to the long term survival of the respective business models. People have been put off by scandals concerning identity fraud If a ‘fad', then Passbook's passing will only have been hastened by the widespread concerns over identity theft as reported in the UK national press.Perhaps more importantly, people have grown increasingly aware and scrutinizing of Passbook's capacity to allow potential employers to ‘snoop' on one's character as an employment suitability exercise. In short, people grow less and less eager to share their lives on the web, curiously perhaps because Faceable has been thrown open to wider and wider groups of people. Privacy controls? My friends get annoyed that they can't trawl idly through photos of me surging drunkenly at a camera, but it means I'm less likely to get fired in the future.And I also highly suspect that the potential employer snooping is a little bit of an urban myth, seeing as even if you drag all the privacy slider bars down to their minimum your profile is still only visible to those in your network. Just bad luck if you .NET to the same Nun as your prospective boss I guess. If celebrities are punished more severely then surely other influential people should also be. There are many people within society who make huge decisions regarding our country and who have the potential to endanger thousands of lives with their decisions if those decisions were influenced by drugs and alcohol.It has been speculated for many years that highly trained professionals such as consultant doctors, airline pilots, and managing directors who have huge responsibilities also punished for their influential status surely it would only be fair to find these individuals as well and se verely punish them ? There is a trend and acceptance regarding drug taking among celebrities but celebrities lives often require them to speak in front of millions of people, they are Judged constantly by society and the media and anything short on perfection is publicly ridiculed.It might be that they choose this fate for fame and fortune however if other people who benefit from this national recognition are found to be taking drugs this argument implies they too should be punished and although it might be wrong for these people to take drugs ND alcohol I doubt that our country would work in the same way if these people were punished in a way that prohibited them from working for an extended period of time. Many of our greatest, artists, musicians and composers took a wide and varied selection of drugs some of which used these substances to influence their work.How in this day and age can we separate artist from celebrity. This point does not even remotely relate to faceable will h ave a large impact on coming generations†¦ Face book and other socio s will probably be adding to the knowledge of the youths all over the world especially the teens.. TTS the time when the teenagers absorb the special interest on getting connected through some or the other way with their friends and contacts†¦. What is actually binding everyone to face book is the likes of its easy and simple networking process . Ace book uses a very simple way of connecting a person to another which makes it a very advanced and widely proffered compared to the others. Faceable with its such wide network would be difficult to end or quit but surely be fading out because of advancements and dynamism in peoples lives. It helps me to communicate and stay in touch with friends However you have to have the acceptance of the friend you wish to be in contact with. In any case, some day, another site will pop up that makes it Just as easy to communicate with people, and everyone will flock to tha t.Namespace usage plummeted when Faceable became popular, and when another â€Å"next big thing† emerges, no doubt Faceable usage will go the same way. It's accusable and easy, it's a free way to remain in touch with people. Internationally especially. It enables people to get in touch with old friends If you've fallen out of touch with people it's usually for good reasons. Not to say that our old friends are bad people Just that you've both moved in different directions. I've had a few different emails from long-lost friends and after the initial wonder of seeing them again there's not much which really connects us.You can find people that you haven't been in contact with for years, or maybe went to school with. Faceable is good too for students based in a university environment as they can keep in touch with friends, online. Not only at university, but School contacts too. Its a useful way to find out how your school friends have got on in life and to even arrange a reunion . If, after all, relationships made in school fizzled out once the connection of going to school together is lost – they wouldn't have added you would they?As a university student, faceable is simply, but wonderfully, a device to contact friends about meeting up, homework etc rather than spending phone credit by testing. Faceable. A cheapskates haven. It's free and easily accessible What's wrong with calling them or going to visit them. We spend far too much of our time online and far too little in the real world. Faceable Just makes this worse. Faceable is ‘at home in your boxers' Faceable is not real world socializing. People should hang out and visit friends not scribble something on their ‘wall' or go ‘poking' around complete strangers.It is cost effective and has made keeping in touch with my friends from home while I'm at nun much easier. Also sometimes real-time communication is less than practical. If someone lives in a different time-zone it may be difficult to Just phone the person. People invest too much time in Faceable to let go. The same was said of Namespace and Friends before it. Faceable is an addiction that will run out of steam and it is one that annoys many schools colleges and universities, so much so that is has been banned from being accessed either completely or during teaching hours.I think faceable possibly has a time and a place but it annoys me when people are taking up computer suites Just to chat, applicant or poke people on faceable. Students are the biggest users of faceable and spend hours on it unknown to them that half the day has gone. I think it is something which Faceable has its pros and its cons. However, the matter of fact is that most Faceable users spend hours, days, weeks and even months customizing their profiles, finding rinds, adding photos and videos, creating groups and events. This is a heavy investment and most users will never seriously consider closing their faceable accounts.People have begun to identify themselves with their Faceable profiles. Hence, it is close to impossible for people to Just get off Faceable. Passbook's Terms of Service ensures that people's social information never leaves the walls of Faceable and therefore the social network will remain very popular and influential. Faceable has many practical applications and raises many more concerns. We have read quite a few of these in this debate. However, the question remains whether â€Å"Faceable is a fad that will Just pass†. I beg to differ.Social Networking is a whole new form of communication, of which Faceable is the most successful. Your argument is invalid. Did you even read the topic before posting? Its not saying social networking will die out, its saying (like namespace) Faceable will fade to the next amazing social networking site If you want to communicate with someone, in the old days you would either talk face to face or send a letter. Then came the telephone. Then came email s, further revolutionaries communications. Now there is social networking. Social networking is different. It can be very private, or very public.People have their own ‘space' or ‘profile' online, which people can search for as long as they know the persons name. No number or address is required or needs to be stored (and potentially lost). When you have a persons profile, you can add them as a friend in order to socially interact with them – which they must accept to facilitate the interaction (ensuring mutual consent of communications). When you are friends with someone, you can invite them to an event (along with an assortment of any or all of our friends) with a single click, and dispense information about that event.You can publicly display as much or little personal information about yourself as you wish. You can write on people's walls to tell them information, which other people will freely be able to see. Suddenly people become so much more informed withi n their social circles, and for a social animal this is broadly positive. Faceable facilitates the spread of social information (or gossip) and people often consider faceable profiles to be an authority on a person (whether they are in a relationship, etc).

Managing Processes Through Lean Six Sigma Term Paper

Managing Processes Through Lean Six Sigma - Term Paper Example The Six Sigma strategy is to integrate â€Å"business operations, statistical measurements and product development, and it is now being applied to business areas as diverse as human resources, purchasing and customer service. Companies that have adopted these principles have reported dramatic increases in customer satisfaction, productivity and shareholder value. They have also shown significant savings, often without capital expense.† Sigma is a Greek alphabet and a mathematical symbol representing standard deviation, which Motorola engineers have adopted to their process. While many organizations have had difficulty putting Six Sigma theory to practice, understanding the subtleties will enable them to grasp the cause and effect relationships that are applied in Six Sigma. It represents â€Å"a structured thought process that begins with first thoroughly understanding the requirements before proceeding or taking any action. Those requirements define the deliverables to be produced and the tasks to produce those deliverables which in turn illustrate the tools to be used to complete the tasks and produce the deliverables.†... It is here that mutual trust and cooperation between all parties are established. One party of stakeholders is the project team whose members are metaphorically designated as Champion, Master Black Belt, Black Belt, Green Belt and Team Members. In this stage, team members are selected and assigned different roles. The problem statement is developed and goals, benefits and milestones are set. The high level process map is also drawn. Process flowchart is a key tool used during this stage. There are four flowchart options to choose from: top-down, detailed, work flow diagram and deployment. For example, â€Å"this tool shows how various steps in a process work together to achieve the ultimate goal. Because it is a pictorial view, a flow chart can be applied to fit practically any need. The process map allows the user to gain an understanding of the process and where potential waste or bottlenecks could occur. It also could be used to design the future or desired process.† (Drake ,, 2008, p.30) The second step is ‘Measure’, where the firm uses statistical methods to quantify the problem. The endeavor here is to understand the current performance levels and also to collect requisite data to improve all CTQs. Key activities encompassing this step include â€Å"defining the defect, opportunity, unit and cost metrics, collecting the data, determining the process capability.† (Smith,, 2002, p.45) An important tool used during this phase is the SIPOC (Suppliers, Inputs, Processes, Outputs and Customers) Diagram. One could cite numerous examples of successful Six Sigma implementation in the last three decades of corporate history. A prominent example is that of General Electric under the leadership of Jack Welch. Welch employed Six Sigma principles for the

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Fight Club Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fight Club - Movie Review Example Tyler Durden expresses the belief that previous generations were defined by the battles they fought, whether those battles were on the battlefields in Germany and Japan, or the battlefields on college campuses in the 1960s. Man--the male--especially has been defined through violence, and the lack of either a "proper, respectable" American war between Vietnam between the Gulf War or any social cause around which the youth rallied stripped that immediate definition away from a couple of generations. The result was unquestioning acceptance of consumerist mentality and the idea that you could define yourself by what you own instead of what you believed in and fought for. This failing led to a true existential moment that is dramatized perfectly in this film. At the beginning of the film the character of Jack is living in fat city in his prefabricated "essence." But as Sartre says, "man chooses his own self" (279) and the movie follows Jack's existential journey as he does that very thing. What makes this film so terrific, however, and what makes it stand out from similar films is that the fight for Jack's identity is presented not as an existential struggle between a man and his own soul, but rather as a struggle between two different men. Enter Tyler Durden, who forces Ja

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Use of Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Essay

The Use of Evidence Based Practice in Nursing - Essay Example In nursing, evidence-based practice calls for the re-evaluation of research for the purpose of improving inadequate practice. In clinical settings, the use of evidence based practice takes into account factor such as the consideration of the need for change, where the research question’s formulation is based on the shortfalls of current health practices (McGonigal & Mastrian, 2011). The use of evidence based practice also takes into account the best existing evidence, understanding it, and integrating it after making the necessary improvement. Models for implementing evidence based practice in clinical settings Some models for implementing evidence based practice in clinical settings include the Ottawa model of research use, the Stetler model, and the IOWA model of evidence-based practice. The Ottawa Model of Evidence Based Research in Nursing The Ottawa Model of Research Use (OMRU) was first created as an interactive model (Kirchhoff, 2004). The Ottawa Model of Research Use is quite effective in practice contexts and holds that research is a dynamic process that involves interconnected actions as well as decisions being made by different people in relation to each of the theory’s elements. The Ottawa Model of Research has undergone different evaluations, with the most recent including factors such as evidence based innovation, the practice environment, potential adopters, the adoption of innovators, the implementation of interventions, and the results of the execution of innovations. The Stetler-Model The Stetler Model of Research Utilisation is a model that is practice-oriented, and is used mainly as a conceptual and procedural guide for the execution of research outcomes in practice. The theory’s first part consists of the five stages of research utilisation (Stetler, 2003). The theory’s second part has to do with clarifying the existing data as well as options for each stage. The Iowa Model of Research is basically used to enhance the general quality of healthcare, and is a creation of the Quality Assurance Model Using Research (Stetler, 2003). Research utilisation is perceived to be an organisational procedure through which different factors are used to unite the practical implementation of research theories. The IOWA Model The Iowa Model can be used for the purposes of implementing quality healthcare as it provides a framework for medical practitioners to make decisions about the daily practices that impact patient care outcomes (Larrabee, 2009). The Iowa Model encourages health practitioners to generate practice questions, whether as a means to solve an existing concern, or simply to acquire new knowledge. These three models allow for medical practitioners to be able to share important data with others within as well as without a medical organisation; thereby increasing nu rsing knowledge and encouraging other medical organisations to take on evidence based practices. Three information technology applications in quality management Three information technology applications that are very important in quality management processes in healthcare sectors include electronic health records, bar coding, and the use of the clinical decision support system. Electronic health records were first created to serve as a type of electronically based file cabinet holding various types of information about a medical facility’s patients. Its continued improvement meant that it would further benefit by integrating text, handwritten